Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jim Weiders' Project Percolator

Project Percolator is the latest musical project undertaken by Jim Weider, former member of "The Band". Made up of acclaimed musicians, this project is unique in that it is guitar focused in a jazz, funk, rock, instrumental blend which will have you hearing and feeling the voiceless ballads. Prepare to get your groove on if you are one of the lucky ones around the world who are able to see this show live. Mesmerising is another adjective that describes the experience.

Project Percolator is made up of Jim Weider on lead and slide guitar, renowned NYC guitarist Mitch Stein on the other side of the lead guitar duo, internationally known Steve Lucas on Bass, and perhaps one of the best drummers playing today - Rodney Holmes (try keeping up with him with your ears, forget about it with your eyes - ain't happenin').

Project Percolator tours the East Coast through February and will tour Europe in the spring. I'd encourage you to hit-up the MySpace page or Jim's website to keep abreast of where this wonderful show will be in the coming months.

Here's a link to see a few photos from the show.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Contagious Blues Band

Contagious Blues Band

Charlotte Blues Society’s Blues Challenge Winners -- Triangle Blues Society’s Blues Challenge Winners -- 2008 “Blues Kings of Beale Street” Memphis, TN -- 2008 Charlotte Music Awards“ Best Blues Band”

These are a few of the accolades and awards bestowed upon this group of very hard working and talented musicians who are representing Charlotte - and of course themselves - in the 2009 International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Feb 5th through 7th (this week!!!).

This Saturday nights performance was a send off and fundraiser for the band and what a hot show it was. The DDI was jam-packed with blues fans appreciating the soulful art produced by this talented foursome. Junior Howell on drums is the heartbeat of Contagious and Jim Bolt is the soul on Bass. The lighting bolts that add the winning dimensions to this band are the two guitarists - Joey Recchio on slide and Hank Shell shredding the lead. These four guys come together producing the heart-pounding rhythm and soul-searching harmonies of a truly great southern rock blues band.

Being at the show was the only way to truly understand how much these guys love their trade and truly appreciate the people who support them in what they love to do. Best of luck to them this weekend, but no matter what they're number one in our hearts as Charlotte's pick for top blues band. Couldn't happen for a better group of guys!!

Some photos from the show can be seen here..



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