Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Chris Duarte Group

I've witnessed a lot of very good guitar players take the stage at The Double Door Inn since my first visit back in 1992, but I must say that this past Friday night, the 25th of January, I believe I listened to the best one yet. Chris Duarte is an amazing guitarist - pure and simple. His range of capability is second to none that I have personally seen. In fact, I 'd go so far as to say that he would make my top ten that I have ever heard. That's some pretty good company.

Chris and Band took the stage at the Double Door around 10:30 and played until about 12:15. I thought he had gotten lost in his music and forgot about time - and their break - but at 12:15 he took an intermission for a short time. During this intermission the band mingled with the crowd and Chris managed the tee-shirt and CD sales. Now this was not a normal sales exchange. Chris took the time to talk to everyone who came up to him. Not just sell them something but actually talk to them. I saw him sign photo's that people brought as well as sign just about everything he sold. I wanted a copy of the "Tape Trips" volume 3 - a very good double CD live compilation. Chris didn't have them out with everything else, so he grabbed the keys to the truck and went out and got them! Like I said, a very nice guy in addition to being a talented musician.

The second set was very special as Chris decided to indulge himself in some fantastic guitar playing. In fact, the last song went for at least 30 minutes. Joseph and Jeff are to be commended for staying with Chris during that set! Several times they just looked at each other and you could tell they were just jamming as they went - with Chris deep in his music putting on a show I will not soon forget.

Obviously I highly recommend that you take advantage of any opportunity you get to see Chris live. It will be an experience that you'll thank me for recommending.



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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Anthony Gomes - Jan 12 2008

Anthony Gomes

About a month ago as I was skimming through the upcoming live music calendar for the Double Door Inn I noticed that Anthony Gomes was scheduled to be in town on Jan 12th. I updated my outlook calendar to be sure I was reminded of that show. So when Saturday evening rolled around I went to the Double Door a bit early. First I wanted to try to get a seat up front to take a few photos and I also wanted to keep tabs on the score of the Patriots game. Anyway, my anticipation of this show was met by the delivery of Anthony as he has certainly not lost his zeal for entertaining with the blues. As he says - music is the medicine..

As in previous shows I have seen, Anthony played a brilliant blues guitar, complete with his ballads, blistering guitar play and a bit of rock and gospel blended in to keep it real. Anthony has a new live CD coming out in February. He played a number of the new songs this Saturday night - enough that I've put a reminder on the claendar to order me a copy next month. I'd suggest you do the same.

Members of the band are: Anthony Gomes on lead guitar and lead vocals; David Karns on Bass; Peter Lang on Drums; Dylan St. John on Keyboards. Anthony's home page is here.

Photo's of Saturdays show are in the Musicians portfolio on


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