Sunday, December 18, 2005

Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers

After his recent separation with the Nighthawks and completing his last two projects - Whiskey Store w/ Tab Benoit & Healin' Ground - Jimmy has gone back to his 3 piece band roots grinding out smokin' blues tunes.

He is back on the road promoting these projects and treating his fans to some quality blues face time. He is joined by his drummer of many years - Mark Stutso - and has picked up an awesome bass player in Mark Bumgartner.

This three piece blues band will rock your socks off as well as sooth your soul with peaceful ballads.

Jimmy Thackery - Lead Guitar & Vocals
Mark Stutso - Drums & Vocals
Mark Bumgartner - Bass

The above link will take you to photo's of his live performance at the Double Door Inn on 17 December 2005..



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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues

Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues are a band out of South Carolina who in late 2005 won the Charlotte Blues Society (CBS) "blues contest" and as such will be sponsored by the CBS in the 22nd International Blues Challenge to be held in Memphis in Jan 2006 - which Mac has adamantly stated they will WIN!!.

Mac has a long history in the world of Blues, spending a great deal of time in Chicago playing Bass with the likes of Muddy Waters, B.B. King and The Temptations.

The band consists of Mark McMakin on bass and vocals; Austin Brashier on guitar and vocals; Max Hightower on keyboards, harmonica and guitar; and Mike Whitt on drums.

Mac credits Max Hightower with the patience, wisdom and perseverance it took to pull this band together. The band agreed that the patience required to wait until it could all come together was well worth it, as they have found the sound they like with some extremely talented musicians who are equally passionate about their music and the blues.

Having come up with the band name through natural connection realized in eating loads of Mac's cooking and considering the surgical utensils implanted in Mac over the years - Plate Full O' Blues stuck. The name is very appropriate as the band serves up heaping helpings of old fashion, down to earth blues with a definitive Chicago blues style in keeping with Mac's roots in blues music.

Hope you get a chance to check out this wonderful blues band..... You'll be glad you did...

The link at the top will bring you to photos taken of Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues @ the Double Door Inn helping The Charlotte Blues Society celebrate the 2005 Holiday Season on Dec 4 2005.



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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hadden Sayers

Hadden Sayers returned to the Double Door Inn on Friday, Dec 2nd '05. This was the 2nd time I had seen Hadden perform live - the previous performance was June 25th '05 @ the Double Door. This time was different for me since I have had his CD's for the past several months - and I have of course listened to them more than a few times. Last time I was somewhat awestruck - sitting there listening to his music for the first time live will leave you a little dazed - but this time I found myself singing along and keeping time..

Something else dawned on me as well. As part of Haddens "fan club" I get some emails at times from people who ponder why Hadden does not seem to get the recognition and draw the crowds that some of his "contemporaries" appear to attract - basically we love his music and wonder why everyone else doesn't seem to feel the same passion!! Perhaps because I have seen so many blues performances over the past couple of months, it seemed to me that Hadden was far more "rock-n-roll" in his set than many of the other musicians on the circuit. I guess it is the Texas style coming out that struck me as different about Hadden. Could it be that his particular style is less popular than some of the others - or does my love for the rock style overshadow his level of development need? Not sure, but it will be interesting to watch as time goes on.

As I inferred, the crowd was not nearly as large this night as I had expected it would be but, as I remembered back to the June show - it wasn't jam packed that night either. The folks who were at the Double Door Friday night saw a wonderful show in an atmosphere that was very comfortable - yet was electric as Hadden Sayers blues poured from the band for over two hours.. Hadden and the boys were spot on in their timing, tone and tunes! And they had fun too..

As always, feel free to drop me a line either as a comment here or via email from my website..

Until next time..



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