Monday, November 28, 2005

Tinsley Ellis

Tinsley, The Evil One, JB & Todd paid another visit to the Double Door Inn on Saturday night, the 26th of November 2005. It has been 5 months since Tinsley was in town, and this Thanksgiving crowd was surely glad to welcome him back. A lively crowd danced, hooted & hollered as Tinsley and the band provided a heaping helping of down home blues - and we all gave thanks!!

Tinsley played a pretty standard set, alternating between his older tunes and some of the songs featured on his Live Highwayman album. Basically the package deal delivered on time, in tune, up front and personal.

Enjoy the photos - Maybe put a Tinsley track on the PC as you view at your leisure.

I posted these a little different than in most of my portfolio - click on the thumbnails and you'll get a larger version than I generally provide. I'm trying something new in my attempt to improve the viewing experience within my gallery. Let me know what you think..



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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Delta Moon

18 Nov 2005, the revised Delta Moon came to the Double Door Inn.

This revision features Kristin Markiton - a very talented singer whose voice was made to sing the blues.

This was my first time hearing Delta Moon with their revised line-up of musicians. With drummer Scott Callison and bassist Phil Skipper - both formally with Tinsley Ellis - on the team, Delta Moon rocks more now than ever before..

Check out the photo's at the link on the top of this post. Of course you can learn more about Delta Moon at their website



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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Contagious Blues Band

Contagious Blues Band is a power trio band that has played all over North and South Carolina since 1999. Guitarist Zack Rosicka (from Ft.Walton Beach, FL) brings monstrous tone and electrifying energy to every show. Drummer Junior Howell (from Gastonia, NC) lays down the solid back-beat & "brings the goods" when it comes to powering the super-tight rhythm section. After adding the thunderous bass of Jim Bolt (from Anderson, SC), the band is more powerful than ever.

Contagious Blues has been recognized as Charlotte 's Best Blues Band and represented Charlotte at the International Blues Competition in Memphis, TN. Recently the band has been selected as the official Smokin' Bluz house band for the Fox Smokin' Blues radio program that airs on Charlotte's 99.7 WRFX .

The link above takes you to photos taken of Contagious' performance at the Double Door on Nov 5th 2005.



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Teresa James

Teresa James was featured in the November 2005 Charlotte Blues Society newsletter - that was my initial introduction. The article described a native Texan from Houston who has spent the past few years out in Los Angeles creating a sound for herself and her band (The Rhythm Tramps). This "Roadhouse Rock" sound created by a 5 piece band was said to consist of combinations of blues, rock and country. Well that was enough to intrigue me and off to the Double Door I went that Friday night!
As a member of the Charlotte Blues Society, I knew that if they were going out of their way to promote this band, then there was certainly to be fireworks in the house! And true to form, this band delivered to the standards of the Double Door! Teresa' raspy voice delivers in gospel, country, blues and "Roadhouse Rock"..

The link above takes you to photos of her live performance at the Double Door Inn on 4 Nov 2005.



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