Angie Rikard
Angie Rikard and her band played at the Double Door Inn on September 23rd, 2005. Prior to this, I had not heard of Angie. Must have my head buried under a rock, or somewhere else dark, because I truly should have known of her. Angie is a local Charlotte blues artist who is very talented. Before she started her performance I asked Mark, the sound-guy at the Double Door, if he knew of Angie. He looked at me and said "hell yes, she sings her ass off!" It wasn't 15 minutes later that I knew why he was so enthusiastic in his reply. Angie took the stage and begun her act, singing her heart out and dancing the entire time. If blues comes from the soul and is reflected in your movement, then Angie is a blues magician.
I'm always amazed at the never ending string of talented musicians who have dedicated themselves to performing live music and sharing the diversity of talent. Angie is no exception as she is soulful in her blues and country in her folk music as well. For a couple of her folksy songs, I thought I was in the Blue Ridge Mountains listening to a home-girl with family and friends as the Double Door audience moved tables and chairs aside so they could dance along with the foot stomping melodies.
Enjoy the photo's.
Labels: Angie Rikard, Blues, Charlotte, Double Door Inn