Monday, September 26, 2005

Angie Rikard

Angie Rikard and her band played at the Double Door Inn on September 23rd, 2005. Prior to this, I had not heard of Angie. Must have my head buried under a rock, or somewhere else dark, because I truly should have known of her. Angie is a local Charlotte blues artist who is very talented. Before she started her performance I asked Mark, the sound-guy at the Double Door, if he knew of Angie. He looked at me and said "hell yes, she sings her ass off!" It wasn't 15 minutes later that I knew why he was so enthusiastic in his reply. Angie took the stage and begun her act, singing her heart out and dancing the entire time. If blues comes from the soul and is reflected in your movement, then Angie is a blues magician.

I'm always amazed at the never ending string of talented musicians who have dedicated themselves to performing live music and sharing the diversity of talent. Angie is no exception as she is soulful in her blues and country in her folk music as well. For a couple of her folksy songs, I thought I was in the Blue Ridge Mountains listening to a home-girl with family and friends as the Double Door audience moved tables and chairs aside so they could dance along with the foot stomping melodies.

Enjoy the photo's.



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Bernard Allison

Bernard Allison played the Double Door Inn on September 16th 2005. Bernard is the son of the legendary blues artist Luther Allison and after witnessing Bernard's magic it is evident that he is his fathers son. It's also obvious he has spent time with other greats such as Koko Taylor, Willie Dixon and Stevie Ray Vaughn. An engaging artist Bernard Allison entertains through his guitar, the song of his voice and his quick-witted humor with the audience.

Hope you enjoy the photo's.



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Friday, September 02, 2005


Photo by: Monty Chandler

Peter Harper, an Australian from Melbourne, recently signed with the 28-year-old independent blues label Blind Pig. Harper is the first international performer to sign with the label.
Harper is a wizard on the harp and also uniquely adds the didgeridoo into his blues songs. I have heard the didgeridoo played before, but never to a blues rhythm and certainly never to the level that Harper so masterfully played.

The Double Door Inn brought another wonderfully talented and musically diverse blues musician into the house on Aug 27th 2005! Those of us whom were there were treated to one special night of blues from a talented singer/songwriter/musician. Not to mention we got ready access to the new CD "Down to the Rhythm".


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Delta Moon

Photo by: Monty Chandler

"Delta Moon formed in the late 1990s when Mark Johnson, Tom Gray, and Gina Leigh all lived within a few blocks of each other in Atlanta's Inman Park neighborhood. The three got together regularly in Mark's living room to work up arrangements of classic blues and original songs for two slide guitars and voices. Soon, joined by a rotating cast of percussionists, drummers, and bassists, the band was playing in festivals and nightclubs around Atlanta and neighboring cities. Following the March 2002 release of their debut CD, "Delta Moon," the band started ranging farther from home, energizing audiences with their powerful stage show and a sound that is both fresh and immediately accessible. In January 2003 Delta Moon won the International Blues Competition in Memphis, and in June of that year released "Live." After a year of touring in North America and England, in June 2004 the band released its third CD, "Goin' Down South." Drummer Scott Callison has been with the band since fall 2003. In fall 2004 Gina left the band, and six weeks later Kristin Markiton joined Delta Moon. Phil Skipper on bass joined in summer 2005, to complete the lineup that appears on Delta Moon's new CD, "Howlin'," set for release in September 2005." - website bio

Delta Moon has been to the Double Door Inn on several occasions and are a favorite of the Charlotte Blues Society. The following photos were taken during their performance at The Double Door on July 17, 2004.


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Janiva Magness

Photo by: Monty Chandler

July 15th, 2005 - Janiva Magness played to a very full house at the Double Door Inn as her blues voice echoed through the bones of the enthusiasts present that night. Wow would be a good choice of words. From my comfortable position towards the back of the Double Door I was feeling impressed as I listened to a band I had never heard before. Janiva belted out soulful blues with an energy level that had you movin' and shakin'. I really do hope that my jaw dropping was only my imagination as I spoke to Janiva while she signed the CD I purchased. She looked at me and said "not bad for a granny huh?" It's one of those quick points in time that you can't get out of your mind - "my mouth didn't open did it?". She certainly didn't perform like a "granny" and from the photos you can judge for yourself how well those shoes are wearin'...

The above link will bring you to the photos of this performance.


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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Bob Margolin, Carey Bell, Mookie Brill

Photo by: Monty Chandler

Bob Margolin brought his "all-star blues jam" to the Double Door Inn in Charlotte, NC on the 19th of August 2005. The group included Bob, Mookie Brill and Carey Bell. Man what a show!! Bob was hot on the lead guitar setting the blues spirit in motion, Mookie was his usual brilliant on the upright Bass (and harp on a couple of tunes) and Mr. Bell played his soul out on the harmonica. All three treated us to their voices - A truly special blues night at the Double Door.


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